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Industrie Cotto Possagno

Our territory and the quality of our raw material.

Possagno, a small town in the province of Treviso, birthplace of the sculptor Antonio Canova, has always been dedicated to the production of bricks thanks to the presence of an extensive deposit of uniform clay that was created 45 million years ago.

In 1997 the five historical families of kilnsmen, decided to pool their agelong experiences to incorporate Industrie Cotto Possagno S.p.A. It was an important process of growth and development in the district of Possagno which has become famous over time in Italy and all over the world for the production of roofing bricks.
Our bent tiles and roof tiles stand out for excellent performances in terms of durability and resistance to atmospheric agents thanks to the unique and peculiar features of the raw material.


  • 1695

    First written records of the presence of kilns in the Valcavasia area (census after the Santa Costanza earthquake).
  • 1972

    First tunnel oven in Possagno to replace the Hoffman oven: the automation process starts.
  • 1975

    Industrial development of the district.
  • 1984

    The Coppo Possagno Consortium was established.
  • 1998

    The most important kilns in Possagno pools together: Industrie Cotto Possagno S.p.A. is born.
  • First decade of 2000

    Thanks to the attention to innovation and sustainability Cotto Possagno obtains the patent for the construction of photovoltaic bent tiles and roof tiles.
  • 2009

    The company, focusing on the improvement of the quality of its products, launches the Coppi Di Più: more weight, more thickness, more resistance.
  • 2015 – 2018

    Industrie Cotto Possagno is the leading actor of the European LifeHerotile Project which led to the development of Aerotile, the super performing ventilated roof tile.


We have always been devoted to the research of a product that stands out for quality and design, but also sustainability, as recommended by the UN 2030 agenda and by the European Community.

In addition to a wide range of terracotta bent tiles and terracotta roof tiles, the proposal of Industrie Cotto Possagno is completed today with ventilated roof packages, security systems, thermal and acoustic insulation and renewable energy for sustainable roofing. We offer our customers qualified technical assistance: from simple design advices to the supply of the turnkey roof, installed on patented systems.

The attention of Industrie Cotto Possagno to the principles of transparency, legality and fairness has prompted the company to adopt from 2009 the Organisational Management and Control Model (“231 Model”), implementing the Legislative Decree no. 231 dated 2001.

231 Model is a complex set of protocols that regulate and define the company structure and the management of its sensitive processes. The costant implementation of this model allows the company to reduce the risk of committing criminal offences.

Green Vision

Construction today is the sector that has the greatest impact on the environment: buildings represent the 40% of all carbon dioxide emissions produced in Europe. The research and development of sustainable pitched roofing solutions is an essential commitment for us to contrast climate change.

We work to improve the quality of construction by offering roofing solutions that allow greater energy efficiency of houses and the increase of their economic value. We are also committed to limit the impact of our production plants on the territory: we do not limit ourselves to comply with the requirements imposed by the legislation, but we constantly search for the improvement.

Green Vision

L’edilizia oggi è il settore che impatta maggiormente sull’ambiente: gli edifici rappresentano il 40% di tutte le emissioni di anidride carbonica prodotte in Europa.
L’attività di ricerca e sviluppo di soluzioni di coperture a falda sostenibili è per noi un impegno imprescindibile per contrastare i cambiamenti climatici.

Lavoriamo per accrescere la qualità del costruire offrendo soluzioni di coperture che permettano un efficientamento energetico delle abitazioni e la crescita del loro valore economico. Siamo impegnati inoltre a limitare l’impatto dei nostri stabilimenti produttivi sul territorio non limitandoci a rispettare i requisiti imposti dalla normativa, ma operando costantemente nella ricerca del miglioramento.


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INDUSTRIE COTTO POSSAGNO S.p.A. - Cod. Fiscale, P. IVA e Reg. Imp. TV n. 03321030268 - R.E.A. TV n. 262004 - Cap. Soc. € 25.500.000,00 i.v. - SDI: M5UXCR1